Saturday, July 21, 2012

Monica and Fred

Have you met Monica and Fred?  This couple has been known to drive a mean racecar, fire truck, or any other vehicle that's attached to a shopping cart.  Any time we pull into the parking lot of a store that offers kid-friendly shopping carts, little K eagerly encourages her sister to play "Monica and Fred."  They happily turn the steering wheels attached to the cart and K chats with Fred (how lucky to have an older sister who always agrees to be the boy).  While the kid-friendly carts are a PAIN to drive, they do make a grocery trip much easier! :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Here it is!

It's time to celebrate the small things.  The littles and I had fun at our local branch library's summer carnival.  We grabbed a quick lunch, then I took them bowling for the first time.  There's a great program that gives you free online coupons for kids to bowl TWO games A DAY for free!  The weather here has been HOT, but after a small rain shower cooled things down (about 3 degrees) a kind neighbor came over with her daughter to introduce herself...with cookies!  Here's to the small things!  Oh, and welcome to my blog! :)