Thursday, July 18, 2013

Making a List...and Checking it Twice

Sunday marked T's 6th birthday AND one month until the new school year begins.  I think it always feels like summer goes by quickly, but this particular summer is actually the shortest we've had.  So, how are we coming on our summer bucket list you ask? I've crossed out items we've completed/are in the middle of doing.  Obviously we didn't stop reading library books after only one visit.  In fact, we've done a few of our bucket list items more than once.   Let's take a look...
1. Water Slide Park
2. Amusement Park
3. Build-a-Bear Workshop
4. Cotton Ball Bunny
5. Back Yard Inflatable Pool
6. Go to a Baseball Game
7. Visit the Children's Farmstead
8. Visit the Botanical Gardens
9. Visit the Rose Garden Park
10. Make a Summer Salad
11. Melted Crayon Art
12. Make Playdough
13. Go on a Bike Ride
14. Read Books for the Library's Summer Reading Program
15. Make Fruit Salad
16. Paint Pictures
17. Walk to the Park
18. Sing Songs About Summer
19. Go to the Zoo
20. Visit Our Grandparents and Other Family Members
21. Have a Play Date
22. Swim at Sejla's Pool
23. Go to Vacation Bible School
24. Go to Art Camp
25. Go to Ballet Camp
26. Go to Gymnastics Day Camp
27. Play at the Splash Pad
28. Draw with Sidewalk Chalk
29. Paint Ceramics
30. Go to the Downtown Library
31. Have a BBQ
32. Ice Cream Shop
33. Weekend Trip to the Zoo and Children's Museum in a Neighboring State
34. Children's Museum (local)
35. See the Saint Louis Arch
36. Go Fishing
37. Go Camping
38. Make S'mores
39. Mommy/Taylor Date
40. Mommy/Kendal Date
41. Daddy/Taylor Date
42. Daddy/Kendal Date
43. Farmers Market
44. Go to a Parade
45. Go on a Walk Every Day the Weather Allows
46. Donuts with Daddy
47. Hike the Nature Trail
48. Story Time at the Library
49. Have a Picnic
50. Ride the Mini Train
51. Movie Theater
52. See a Puppet Show
53. Go on a Bug Hunt
54. See the Curious George Traveling Exhibit
55. Children's Art Center
56. Mini Golf
57. Spend a Day at the Lake
58. Visit a "Big Kids Climbing Park"
59. Visit Our Favorite Park
60. Walk or Bike Park Trails
61. Science Museum
62. Review our Preschool and Kindergarten Skills
63. Go on Papa's Boat
64. Summer Chore Chart
65. Find Art Projects in Library Books and Do Them

It's never too late to start a chore chart is it?  We were out of the state for a lot of June visiting family and never seemed to get that one going after we got home.  It need to start...tomorrow...So we're at 43% completion and have less than month of what is "technically" summer vacation to go.  But, let's be honest, I have no intention of going to Build-a-Bear, so we'll never get 100% (Sorry, T).  I also feel that our summer has been jam-packed full of activity.  I think we'll give this list until Labor Day and see how many things we can check off.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Our Summer To-Do List

Last year, we moved to a new state to kick off the summer.  Feeling out our new area provided many adventures for us, but also took away from some of the traditional summer time activities in which we'd generally participate.  Since I know it's quite possible my husband's job will be taking us on a new adventure to another state next summer, I really want to make the most of our time over the next few months.  The girls and I collaborated on a list of things we'd like to do this summer.  While there are plenty of no-cost summer activities, knowing we want to make the most of our time here could also prove a bit pricey for us this summer!  I'm sharing our list below, and will provide updates on what we've accomplished throughout the summer.  I can't wait to get started...but first T needs to finish up kindergarten!  Due to FIVE snow days, an extra week of school was tacked onto the calendar.  It was such a bummer to have to go back after Memorial Day (as least as far as I'm concerned).  But, this week is a fun one for her with Field Day, Fun in the Sun Day, and getting to bring treats to celebrate her summer birthday.

Our Summer 2013 To-Do List
1.Water Slide Park
2. Amusement Park
3. Build-a-Bear Workshop
4. Make a Cotton Ball Bunny
5.Back Yard Inflatable Pool
6. Go to a Baseball Game
7. Visit the Children's Farmstead
8. Visit the Botanical Gardens
9. Visit the Rose Garden Park
10. Make a Summer Salad
11. Melted Crayon Art
12.Make Playdough
13. Go on a Bike Ride
14. Read Books for the Library's Summer Reading Program
15. Make Fruit Salad
16. Paint Pictures
17. Walk to the Park
18. Sing Songs About Summer
19. Go to the Zoo
20. Visit our Grandparents and Other Family Members
21. Have a Play Date
22. Swim in Sejla's Pool
23. Go to Vacation Bible School
24. Go to Art Camp
25. Go to Ballet Camp
26. Go to Gymnastics Day Camp
27. Play at the Splash Pad
28. Draw with Sidewalk Chalk
29. Paint Ceramics
30. Go to the Downtown Library
31. Have a BBQ
32.Ice Cream Shop
33. Weekend Trip to the Zoo and Children's Museum in a Neighboring State
34. Children's Museum (local)
35. See the Saint Louis Arch
36. Go Fishing
37. Go Camping
38. Make S'mores
39. Mommy/Taylor Date
40. Mommy/Kendal Date
41. Daddy/Taylor Date
42. Daddy/Kendal Date
43. Farmers Market
44. Go to a Parade
45. Go on a Walk Every Day the Weather Allows
46. Donuts with Daddy
47. Hike the Nature Trail
48. Story Time at the Library
49. Have a Picnic
50. Ride the Mini Train
51.Movie Theater
52. See a Puppet Show
53. Go on a Bug Hunt
54. See the Curious George Traveling Exhibit
55. Children's Art Center
56. Mini Golf
57. Spend a Day at the Lake
58.Visit a "Big Kids Climbing Park"
59. Visit our Favorite Park
60. Walk or Bike Park Trails
61. Science Museum
62. Review our Preschool and Kindergarten Skills
63. Go on Papa's Boat
64. Summer Chore Chart
65. Find Art Projects in Library Books and Do Them

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Time Lapse

Obviously, there's been a HUGE time lapse between blog posts.  On the very day I posted about pregnancy and infant loss, our friends' infant son passed away from SIDS.  Almost 7 months later, we think of and pray for them every day.  Hug your children tightly each day and know what a blessing they are.

I continue to go back and forth about the direction I want this blog to go...and instead of posting I've been over-thinking it and posting nothing.  I do know that is NOT the direction I wanted it to go!